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Thank you, Australia.

The past few months have been tough for many of us. We haven’t been able to see our friends and our families. We’ve put in a huge effort to help keep Australia safe and healthy. Think of the people that have been instrumental in keeping our way of life together, to help us get through these strange times, and to take care of us when things get hard.

So, let’s take a moment to say “thank you, Australia”.

Thank you to our healthcare workers.

Without you on the frontline, working the hours that you do for us, and to keep us all healthy, distanced, and aware; we wouldn’t have flattened the curve.

Thank you to our parents, friends, families and carers.

From taking care of our loved ones, keeping our children safe, and giving us unconditional love – even over Zoom calls – we are grateful for all that you do.

Thank you to our teachers.

You’ve worked crazy hours to change the way our children learn. To keep Australians engaged and active online. And you’ve stayed behind to make sure the kids that need you the most get the education they deserve.

Thank you to our remote workers.

You’ve changed the way you do things, just to keep Australia safe. To prevent the spread of viruses in our cities and towns. We’re grateful to all of our everyday heroes.

Thank you to our essential workers.

To keep Australians fed, watered and medicated. Monitoring the ins and outs of the public and enforcing social distancing. These are new and strange responsibilities, but together, we’ve helped slow the spread. Thank you.

Thank you to our farmers.

From braving Australia’s worst bushfire season to stepping up to keep us all fed in times of crisis. For providing companies such as ours with the best that this wide, brown, land has to offer. Australia owes our agricultural industry the height of gratitude.

Everyday Australian heroes deserve thanks. If you would like to show your gratitude to someone special who has made your life great during these difficult times, there’s no better way to do so than with an Australian made gourmet gift; comprising the finest products from all across country Australia.

The hand-picked gift baskets below are authentic, hand-crafted, and 100% Australian.

And if you’d like to browse our entire range of gift baskets, simply click the button below.

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Closer together this Easter

This Easter, here in the year 2020, is unlike any other we’ve experienced before. Easter should be a time for family; a time to create memories on holidays as much as it is a time for getting together and eating mounds of chocolate. It’s also a highly spiritual time for reflection, and remembering what we should all be thankful for. Because we are disrupted by the awful reality of COVID-19 this year; Easter is starting to feel more like a time of uncertainty and isolation. That’s why, more than ever, we need to find ways to feel closer together this Easter.

Like most Australians, we had plans to catch up with our families this year. We wanted to drive down to Sydney to visit our son; something that we won’t be doing as we should all be following the Government’s social distancing measures. And we certainly can’t visit my mother in Perth – the Western Australian government has closed the border. This is a story that’s going to ring true, and hit hard, all across Australia. In a time that’s meant to be for family, nobody deserves to feel alone. So we’d like to remind everyone to think of family – call ahead of this Sunday, have a video call, keep in touch with your loved ones. And do take a look through our range of Easter gift baskets; if you can’t deliver chocolate and nibbles to your loved ones in person, we can do it for you.

Corporate Hampers for Easter

In the business world, this is also an opportunity to reach out to your inner human. Even for those of us lucky to have jobs that can be attended to from home, keeping up with work can be extremely stressful. We’d like to help in any way that we can. We have prepared a selection of hampers that can be thought of as care packages; perfect to put a smile on the face of a staff member.

If you are looking to send a hamper anywhere in Australia for this very strange Easter, look no further than our Easter Gift Baskets range. We are operating at 100% capacity during this difficult time of COVID-19, and remain committed to operating our business, delivering to your recipients on time throughout the whole of Australia. As with most postage and freight, our deliveries are not affected by various State government travel restrictions.

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Ambling down the pathway of our provenance

We’re proud to say that at Gift Sensations, 90% of the gourmet food products that we package in our hampers are Australian made. We invite you to have a look at our new page that celebrates our Aussie gourmet heritage – Our Gourmet Origins.

Supporting local gourmet has been part of who we are from the very beginning. The reason our founder, Rochelle Cadry, started Gift Sensations in 1999 was because the gift baskets of the day were always boring. They were uninspiring, cellophane-wrapped baskets with garden variety snackfoods from the supermarket. Since then, we’d taken to farmer’s markets such as Bondi’s famous Saturday Farmer’s Market to discover the latest and greatest in culinary creations from all over NSW. It’s through many years of discovery (and long drives!) that we’ve discovered the mainstays of our current range of hampers.

In Our Gourmet Origins, we highlight in particular some of our longstanding partners and friends in the industry, and why we love them so much. We would be remiss, of course, to not mention the outstanding flavours we’ve discovered along the way – such as those outstanding macadamias from our Byron Bay friends, Brookfarm. You may think that with our origins in NSW that other Australian states don’t rate a mention, however this isn’t slightly true. In fact, South Australian suppliers form a large percentage of our current line-up, alongside plenty of cuisine from Victoria. After all, the Yarra Valley is known as Australia’s “destination food bowl” for a reason. What we find is that local flavours are paramount – our rum balls come from Queensland, which is fitting given the Sunshine State’s abundance of sugar cane. In fact, we can proudly say that we have had suppliers from every single state and territory in Australia over the years.

Now, of course, we’re privileged to have relocated to the evergreen, inspiring natural lands of the NSW Hunter Valley. It is because we’re here that we’ll come to start injecting new life into our gift baskets with truly amazing foods from suppliers that are literally a stone’s throw away. We absolutely love the Hunter Valley – it’s heaven for foodies like us. If you share our passion for gourmet food and wine, come and visit some of the amazing artisan producers of cheeses and preserves in our area; amongst, of course, indulging in wine tasting. Here in the Hunter, we particularly love Tamburlaine Organic Wines, and Tempus Two. Personally, I’m a Shiraz afficionado, so I’m very much drawn to the organic, pesticide-free methods of winemaking employed by Tamburlaine – no red wine headaches here.

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Gifts to lift our spirits in Isolation and Social Distancing

We are living in troubling times at the moment. With the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we’re all rapidly shifting to a strange new world. Working from home is the new normal with the capital cities’ office blocks shutting down; while this has its own benefits, we are unfortunately seeing events cancelled in the name of social distancing – weddings, birthdays, celebrations. We humans are social creatures, and to have this taken away from us because of this awful pandemic, is especially draining on our collective mental health, not to mention our innate curiosity to discover new things and see the world.

Fortunately, the powers of technology and community are here to help. Pick up the phone, and call your loved ones to say you’re thinking of them. Visit your elderly neighbour and offer a helping hand; whether it’s the gardening or setting up FaceTime or WhatsApp to keep in touch with their loved ones. And never forget the power of touch; something tangible to show that you care.

So, the good news is that online shopping in Australia is equipped to survive the pandemic; delivery and courier services are considered ‘essential’ so won’t be affected by government lockdowns. If you’re thinking of a loved one, think about what would make them smile. As so many of us are going to be self-isolating at home for the foreseeable future, why not consider:

  • Something for around the house.
  • Equipment to help kick-start a new hobby.
  • A good book… or several.
  • It’ll be hard to go to the gym soon; why not some great quality exercise equipment?
  • Things that’ll help them relax at home, like candles or a new bathrobe.
  • Some of their favourite beers, wines or spirits.
  • A ‘care package’ of snacks and other essential foods to avoid the pandemonium of the supermarket. (A little note from us – please be compassionate and considerate of others at the supermarket. Trust us – we’re in the food business – Australia is not going to run out of food. Stop panic buying!)

At Gift Sensations, we can help with – at the very least – the last three on the list! See below for some of our recommendations as great gifts to give amidst the Coronavirus crisis. If you need more inspiration, take a look at our entire range of gourmet gift baskets.

So, from all of us at Gift Sensations, please take care of your families and stay safe. We are absolutely committed to continuing to send gifts all over Australia now and into the future; not to mention that we’ve got a steady supply of delicious gourmet food from our valued suppliers. If you can’t be there to show your regards in person, we’re here to help.

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#forgetflowers this Valentine’s Day!

Couples of Australia, we feel your pain.

Whatever could be the perfect opportunity to set aflame the burning, passionate fires of love at whatever stage your relationship may be in – whether you’re nervously awaiting the second date, are soon expecting to be engaged, or have been happily married for thirty years. But for all these people, there are two days of the year that simply cannot be ignored for the sake of your relationship – your anniversary, and Valentine’s Day.

Forgetting Valentine’s Day is often quite embarrassing, but it happens all too often – except at the very last minute, the “oh snap, I need to do something!” moment. In despair, you’ll find that all your partner’s favourite restaurants are booked out, so the next best thing is to get a gift. Of course, the market is ready and willing to exploit your forgetfulness to make a tremendous profit, which manifests in the following:

Roses are expensive!

This is a screenshot from a leading Australian flower company’s website. As you can see, the cheapest (and rather unimpressive – ask any lady) single rose costs a not-so-insignificant $60. And of course, in about a week’s time it’ll look a little bit like this:

A dead rose

Of course, you could just buy more (and the markup isn’t as extraordinarily high), but as readers of this blog, we think you’d know better.

For the same $60, why not try a gourmet gift basket – not only are they beautifully presented in a glossy gift box with skillfully woven ribbons, in it you’ll find a bottle of premium Australian sparkling wine to share and drink to your love, chocolates about as dreamy and delectable as sweet romance itself,  a far greater symbol of love than something that’ll die in a few days.

Now back to the roses. For less than the price of twelve of them (the minimum threshold of the scientifically formulated “How Many Roses Does It Take To Actually Impress The Average Person” research), you could upgrade your love life another notch with a Moët & Chandon Champagne, the most delightful chocolates from Belgium, and two almost too adorable teddies.

And if your dear lover is already accustomed to a rose or twelve each Valentine’s Day, now is a better time than ever to say no to roses this year. If you choose to #forgetflowers, not only do you benefit from quite a bit of money saved, your partner will finally get a gift that will leave him or her amazed.

If you liked this article, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook as we lead the campaign against overpriced roses!