Australian Gourmet Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

Boasting a selection of the finest foods from all across Australia, this gift basket is perfect for the adventurous chef or for someone that appreciates exquisite gourmet creations from this wide brown land.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. If you place your order before 3 PM AEST, your gift can be despatched from our warehouse today. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


For those looking for a truly Australian gourmet gift, this is amongst the finest you’ll find. Boasting a selection of the most creative foods from all across Australia, this gift basket is perfect for the adventurous chef or for someone that appreciates exquisite gourmet creations from this wide brown land.

One of our favourite inclusions is the Yarra Valley Preserves salad splash, adding the combination of sweet mango and spicy chilli to your next salad. We also love the Maxwells Treats Sweet Piccalilli, lovingly handmade in the NSW South Coast. If you haven’t tried Piccalilli, it’s a spicy, tangy relish made to a British-Indian recipe with a summery Australian twist. These additions to your recipient’s pantry will bring life and character to their cooking, and will always result in superb dishes.

This gift basket also contains unique Australian made sweets, including an all-time classic – Byron Bay Chocolate Co‘s chocolate-coated macadamias! Alongside these you’ll find Essence of Australia’s Kingaroy, QLD peanut and Tasmanian Manuka Honey infused chocolates. Both of those ingredients may or may not come with spiritual healing powers – but they will excite and invigorate the tastebuds, that much we can guarantee.

On the biscuit front, what’s included in this gift basket is surely Australia’s very best. Tucker’s Natural in particular offers, in our opinion, their finest cracker yet – infused with Parmesan cheese, Western Australian truffle and pepperleaf. For the sweet tooth, Charlie’s Fine Food Co, Melbourne born and bred, offers their miniature ‘bikkie bites’, infused with Kakadu Plum. Did you know that Kakafu Plums offer the highest source of natural vitamin C of any plant in the world? We don’t know if all that Vitamin C has made it into the biscuit but they are incredibly morish, and Charlie’s Fine Food Co as a socially responsible enterprise offers a multitude of community outreach programmes, meaning when you buy Australian Gourmet, you’re giving a little bit back to Australia.

This generous celebration of the finest foods that Australia has to offer is presented in a glossy gift box, finished with our signature green ribbon, bearing your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents

Baked Goods

  • Charlie’s Mini Bikkie Bites Kakadu Plum 110g
  • Tucker’s Crackers Parmesan WA Truffle & Pepperleaf 90g
  • Snowy Mountains Cookies Love Chocolate 2 x 80g

Gourmet Kitchen

  • Yarra Valley Mango & Sweet Chilli Lime Salad Splash 250ml
  • Maxwell Treats Sweet Piccalilli 250g


  • Byron Bay Chocolate Co. Chocolate Macadamias 170g
  • Essence of Australia Kingaroy Peanut & Tasmanian Manuka Honey Chocolate 100g
  • Nougat Limar Cherry Cranberry Pistachio Nougat 150g