Tempus Two Trio Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

Boasting three of Tempus Two’s exquisite wines and a dazzling array of savoury entertainers, Tempus Two Trio is a gift that cannot possibly fail to impress.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse on Monday. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


Tempus Two Trio is a celebration hamper. A celebration characterised by three bold wines. A celebration of modern Australian baking and creativity. And a celebration to anyone fortunate enough to receive it. Tempus Two is one of Australia’s premier winemakers, with deep roots in the Hunter Valley, Riverina and Adelaide wine regions. This hamper boasts two wines from Tempus Two’s coveted Silver Series and an award-winning dessert wine from their Pewter Series of wines. We’ll start with the 2015 Sauvignon Blanc, a delicate blend of grapes from a variety of South Eastern Australian vineyards, offering a refreshing yet sophisticated entry deemed a perfect companion to grilled fish or chicken dishes. Joining the white wine in harmony is a Shiraz, which is sourced from South Australia’s Langhorne Valley and is spiced to make for a compelling partnership to red meat dishes. Finally, the Botrytis Semillon is an entry with a lasting pedigree, having been the recipient of no fewer than twelve wine awards. Crafted from late-harvested grapes for an intense sweetness, this wine is the perfect way to finish off a delectable dinner. With notes of wild honey and citrus fruits, it is a daring and unique dessert wine, perfectly paired with a light and creamy dessert; a crème fraîche panna cotta perhaps, or a vanilla bean ice cream. At Gift Sensations, we like to let the wine do the talking – however, this gift remains enticing due to the myriad all-Australian gourmet entries lining its interior. What can only possibly be found here in Australia are Emu Bottom Homestead’s delightful ANZAC biscuits, prepared the old fashioned way. Indigenous Australian bushcraft and ingenuity does the talking here – these ANZAC biscuits are infused with wattle seeds. Saltbush is another staple that has been borrowed from generations of Indigenous craftmanship; it lines Brookfarm’s oven roasted macadamias with a powerful savoury finish. There are also premium chocolate biscuits hand crafted in the Snowy Mountains and spiced cherry fruit paste – these are some of the masterful entertainers which complement either of the wines in every manner. The night can be rounded off with the morish chocolate coated coffee beans, crafted with passion in Byron Bay. This generous celebration of the finest foods and wines that Australia has to offer is presented in a large glossy gift box, finished with our signature green ribbon, bearing your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents


  • Tempus Two Silver Series Sauvignon Blanc, 2018, South Eastern Australia, 750ml
  • Tempus Two Silver Series Shiraz, 2018, Langhorne Valley, South Australia, 750ml
  • Tempus Two Pewter Series Botrytis Semillon, Riverina, 250ml

Baked Goods

  • Brookfarm Roasted Macadamias with Saltbush 100g
  • Snowy Mountains Premium Love Chocolate Cookies 120g
  • 2 x Emu Bottom Homestead Anzac Biscuits with Wattle Seeds 35g


  • Byron Bay Coffee Co. Dark Chocolate Coated Coffee Beans 125g

Gourmet Kitchen

  • Tucker’s Natural Gourmet Caramelised Fig Fruit Paste 100g