Forever Young Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

Featuring one of Australia’s hottest craft beers, this gift basket is designed to evoke memories of chilled-out summer afternoons on the patio, indulging in the simple enjoyment of life.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse on Monday. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


Consistently making the top ten of the Great Australian Beer Spectacular Hottest 100 year after year, Young Henrys’ Newtowner Australian Pale Ale is one of the craft beer scene’s most well-loved brews. Born in inner-west Sydney and made with 100% Australian ingredients, Newtowner is designed to evoke the flavours, atmosphere and good times of sunny Newtown beer gardens, where just about anything goes.

A great Australian beer is nothing without a collection of great Australian morsels, so that’s exactly what’s included in this hamper to accompany the brewskis. Tucker’s Natural are the masters of snack food, and the earthy flavours of Rosemary, Chia and Old Man Saltbush are sure to delight. After those are well and truly devoured, the triple-cheese biscuit bites from Charlie’s melt in your mouth, another perfect pairing with a bright, hoppy ale. Amongst a selection of biscuits and chocolates, the hamper is completed with the most essential pairing – premium Australian mixed nuts and crackers.

This superb hamper is presented in a large glossy gift box, finished with our signature chartreuse ribbon bearing your personalised gift card.

Gift Basket Contents


  • 3 x Young Henrys “Newtowner” Australian Pale Ale 330ml

Baked Goods

  • Charlie’s Mini Cheese Bites Three Cheese 100g
  • Tucker’s Crackers Rosemary, Chia & Old Man Saltbush 90g
  • The Herb & Spice Mill Butter Shortbread Bites 50g

Snack Foods

  • Snax With Attitude Assorted Nuts 100g
  • Snax With Attitude Milk Chocolate Fruit & Nut 75g
  • The Herb & Spice Mill Butter Shortbread Bites 50g
  • Piranha Flame Thrower Mild Chilli Lime Peanut & Soy Snack Mix 80g
  • Piranha Salted Caramel Australian Peanuts 80g
  • Belgianique Dark Chocolate Mint 60g