Best Friends Forever! Baby Gift Box (Girl)


Gift Basket Overview

Send a cuddly friend for baby to treasure forever for a warm welcome for the little one. This thoughtful gift basket celebrates the joy of a new baby girl and shows your heartfelt congratulations to the proud parents.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse on Monday. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.

SKU: BABY_NHG_BestFriendsForever Category: Tags: ,


Sometimes, you need to send more than just a gift to a young baby girl about to conquer the world! You need to send a friend, a best friend who they can treasure forever. A friend like Flopsy, the brightly coloured, friendly and snuggly bunny rabbit – complete with her own lifetime’s supply of carrots. A beautiful keepsake, Flopsy the Bunny will be treasured forever as baby grows older.

Underneath Flopsy lies a selection of essential baby clothing and care items thoughtfully chosen for their comfort and cuteness. Mum and Dad will appreciate the practicality of these clothing items, which include a soft cotton body wrap, and of course an adorable pair of socks. Each piece is made from high-quality materials to ensure that baby remains cosy and comfy.

What’s a baby gift without a classic rattle? Stimulate baby’s senses and encourage their early development with a sweet and captivating fabric rattle. The gentle sound of the rattle will capture the little one’s attention, fostering their curiosity and enhancing their hand-eye coordination. Its lightweight design makes it easy for tiny hands to grasp, providing endless hours of play.

It’s important to remember that Mum’s well deserving of a treat too. Bundled in this gift box exclusively for Mum is a gorgeous crocheted scarf, and a smattering of delightful, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate pralines.

This gift to remember is presented in a glossy golden gift box, hand finished with our signature double organza ribbons in a striking shade of blue, bearing your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents

For Baby:

  • Flopsy, the Cuddly Plushie Bunny Rabbit
  • White Long Sleeve Knitted Bodysuit with Beanie
  • Baby Soft Cotton Wrap
  • ‘Cute Creatures’ Baby Fabric Rattle
  • Baby Turn Over Top Socks
  • 250ml Baby Milk Bottle (BPA Free)
  • Freddy, the mini love & cuddles teddy

For Mum:

  • Light Pink Crochet Scarf with Fringe
  • 5 x delectable Chocolate Pralines