On The Grapevine Gift Basket


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Gift Basket Overview

A gift basket designed to make a grand statement, featuring two of our boldest wines from Australia’s most acclaimed organic winery.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse on Monday. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


For the most deserving wine lover or gourmet afficionado, we have cultivated the perfect gift basket – On The Grapevine. Our friends and neighbours, Tamburlaine Organic Wines has a historic connection with the fertile soils of regional New South Wales. Applying an organic farming process free of pesticides and preservatives, the varietals are bold, refined and enjoyable right now – a true wine drinker’s wine. We have employed the perfect pairing in this gift – an organic Shiraz and an organic Chardonnay. The Shiraz is a seriously smooth drop; deeply coloured with sweet violet aromas, dark berries and a hint of liquorice on the palate. The Chardonnay is one of our favourites, embellished with notes of white peach and citrus aromas with flavours of vanilla and lightly toasted oak. The recipient is encouraged to try and match this with their favourite seafood dishes. While we’re still on our journey through regional New South Wales, let’s highlight two of our favourite gourmet additions – The Snowy Mountains Cookie Co‘s rich chocolate cookies, and an olive tapenade from The Treat Factory of Berry. If you’ve never tried olive tapenade before, it’s an addictive condiment made from black olives, blended anchovy, and a unique blend of spices. We’ve found it perfect with pre-dinner canapes, cheeses, for dipping, and stirred through exquisite Italian dishes – especially Bruschetta, pizza and pasta. For more information on these delightful gourmet additions, look no further than Our Gourmet Origins. Snack foods included in this gift basket are simply Australia’s finest. The Herb & Spice Mill‘s black pepper and cheddar shortbread bites simply melt in your mouth. Our Golden Roast mixed nuts and cashews are extracted from Australia’s most premium farms and will simply delight, paired with all of the other gourmet inclusions in this gift basket. Your decision to bestow this box of fine food and wine on a deserving recipient should already have been made. However, to embellish the deal, On The Grapevine is presented in a large glossy gift box (40 x 39 x 9 cm), adorned with beautiful chartreuse Gift Sensations ribbon, enclosing your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents


  • Tamburlaine Organic Chardonnay, 2018, Orange Wine Region, NSW, 750ml
  • Tamburlaine Organic Shiraz, 2018, Orange Wine Region, NSW, 750ml

Baked Goods

  • Snowy Mountains Cookies Premium Love Chocolate Cookies 120g
  • The Herb & Spice Mill Black Pepper & Cheddar Bites 50g
  • Leda Chocolate Rum Balls 160g

Premium Nuts

  • Golden Roast Mixed Nuts 150g
  • Golden Roast Cashews 50g

Gourmet Kitchen Essentials

  • The Treat Factory of Berry “Maxwells Treats” Olive Tapenade 200g


  • 5 Premium Italian Chocolate Pralines