The Regal Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

Featuring a bottle of fine Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky, aged 12 years, two whisky glasses, and a smattering of premium chocolate, this is a gift that exudes taste and class for the discerning drinker.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse tomorrow. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


Featuring a bottle of fine Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky, aged 12 years, two whisky glasses and some chocolate pralines, This is a gift that exudes taste and class for the discerning drinker. Presented in a regal gold gift box finished with ribbon, embellished with your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents

  • Chivas Regal 12 Years Old Blended Scotch Whisky 700ml
  • 2 x Whisky Glasses
  • 8 Premium Chocolate Pralines