Smooth Sunday Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

Take a moment to enjoy a Sunday afternoon with Moet & Chandon Champagne, and a platter of cheese and crackers!

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. If you place your order before 3 PM AEST, your gift can be despatched from our warehouse today. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


An essential assemblage designed for the bon vivant who appreciates the finer things in life. Offering the most premium Australian gourmet foods nestled alongside a bottle of Moët & Chandon Champagne, this is the gift to give should you want to make a lasting impression.

A classic Brut 270 years in the making, Moët & Chandon’s Impérial Brut of Épernay, France, is a wine that needs no introduction. A Champagne that looks as sharp and luxurious as it tastes, it is the perfect complement to the most premium taste sensations encompassed in this gift. Let’s journey through them now.

We start with the melt in your mouth selection from Victoria’s Charlies Artisan Biscuits, sure to please the fussiest shortbread connoisseurs. Enjoy their specialty three-cheese shortbread bites. An incredible marriage of three real Australian cheeses and baked goodness.  – gourmet biscuits are par for the course for Charlies including the popular recipe Mini Melting Moments shortbreads, made with raspberry coulis, coconut cream, and love. From South Australia we are delighted to include hand picked selections from Tucker’s Natural, including gourmet quince fruit paste and the very morish caramelised onion crackers. Maxwells Treats olive mustard will transport your taste buds to the Mediterranean. Handmade in the NSW South Coast to an authentic Greek recipe, it’s a gratifying taste sensation that adds a burst of savoury to any and all accoutrements. This rounds out a complete set of entertainers

This gift hamper wont disappoint the chocolate lover. Our sort after inclusion is from the Byron Bay Coffee Co. The seaside town that happens to be the culinary capital of Australia prides itself on handmade artisan creations made with local, all-natural ingredients. There’s no better way to showcase the real taste of Byron than its native macadamia, sourced from the Cape Byron hinterland. Byron Bay Coffee Co roasts local macadamias in house and smothers them in superb dark chocolate, so every bite is simply delectable.

Presented in a glossy gift box (40 x 30 x 9 cm), adorned with gorgeous Gift Sensations ribbon, enclosing your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents

International Wines

  • Moët & Chandon Imperial Brut Champagne, Non-Vintage, Épernay, France 750ml

Baked Goods

  • Charlie’s Melting Moments Raspberry Bliss 100g
  • Charlie’s Mini Cheese Bites Three Cheese 100g
  • Tucker’s Natural Caramelised Onion Crackers 110g
  • The Herb & Spice Mill Butter Shortbread Bites 50g

Gourmet Kitchen

  • Maxwells Treats Olive Tapenade 200g
  • Tucker’s Natural Quince Gourmet Fruit Paste 100g

Chocolates and Sweets 

  • Byron Bay Coffee Co. Dark Chocolate Coated Macadamias 125g
  • 5 Premium Milk Chocolate Pralines

Snack Foods

  • Golden Roast Roasted Almonds 150g
  • Golden Roast Roasted Cashews 50g