Pamper Me With Rosé Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

A bottle of Rosé, a box of chocolates, the scents of relaxation and an exotic imported scarf characterise this delightful gift basket.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse tomorrow. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


What could be more delightful than the serenity of a glass of Rosé, the scents of relaxation, and the indulgence of fine assorted chocolates? Pamper Me With Rosé is a gift concept that brings peace and tranquility in a box, that can be enjoyed in the comfort of home.

One of NSW’s most innovative wineries, Tamburlaine Organic Wines comes forth with quite possibly one of the finest rosés we have tasted. Employing a 100% organic winemaking process, free of pesticides and preservatives, Tamburlaine’s Petite Fleur rosé is good for you; and good for the planet. However, the sheer craft of the winemaking is where this drop shines. Exhibiting notes of musk, berries and cherries, the wine is as flavoursome and bold like a red. This is a wine to be enjoyed right now, best served chilled while running a hot bath.

A rose-scented candle is all you’ll need to be driven to a tranquil existence, as you let your body sink deeper into the bath. The scents of tranquility do not stop once the candle is exhausted, however, with the addition of a delightful essential oil diffuser set – spreading the scent of roses throughout your home. The package of luxury is completed with a selection of Italian chocolate pralines in a delightful pink organza and taffeta bag. And let’s not forget the attractive fine silk/polyester printed scarf.

Gift Basket Contents


  • Tamburlaine Wine Lovers Organic Petite Fleur Rosé, Central Ranges Wine Region, New South Wales, 750ml


  • 3 x 75g Clover Fields Rosette Soap Boxed Set 
  • Mesh Bath Sponge 
  • 2 x Scented Candles Bloom White Rose Garden & Vanilla
  • Soft Silk/Polyester Printed Scarf


  • Davies Dark Chocolate Strawberry Cream 200g
  • Pink organza & taffeta bag with 5 Italian Chocolate Pralines