After Hours Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

A wonderful selection of treats that’s meant for everybody to enjoy… but they’re so tasty you might want to keep them for yourself!

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse tomorrow. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


A captivating gift basket that’s destined to be enjoyed by all.

From the sweet tooth to the lover of savoury snacks, there’s plenty in this box to appeal to everyone. Best yet, all items in this gift basket are Australian made, supporting Australian family businesses. The gift features a matching pair of McWilliams’ “Markview” series wines of the NSW Riverina. Tasting notes of the Shiraz deem it to be medium-bodied with airs of red berries and currants, characterised with a hint of spicy mocha oak. The Chardonnay is fresh, crisp and vibrant with fruity notes including those of white peach, honeydew melon and citrus. Both are fine, drinkable wines designed to perfectly complement any celebration.

Our culinary tour of Australian bush food creations starts at the kitchens of Charlie’s Fine Food Co, delivering a box of mouth-watering biscuit bites filled with Kakadu plum pieces. Tucker’s Crackers follow in fine form with parmesan, Western Australian truffle, and pepperleaf crackers, which go perfectly with any sharp cheese. These are joined by several of our favourite locally-made baked goods including The Herb & Spice Mill’s black pepper and cheddar shortbread bits, and Thornton & Wild’s whisky infused fruitcake.

Any after-hours celebration cannot be complete without snacks. Luckily, the snack lover will not be disappointed with the enclosed selection. With the mixture of fruit-and-nut milk chocolate drops, nougat and assorted mixtures of BBQ snacks and fine nuts, the celebration can now commence!

This gift is presented in a sleek gourmet gift box, hand-finished with our signature ribbons bearing your personalised gift card.

Gift Basket Contents


  • McWilliam’s Markview Chardonnay, Riverina, New South Wales, 750ml
  • McWilliam’s Markview Shiraz Cabernet, Riverina, New South Wales, 750ml

Baked Goods

  • Charlie’s Mini Bikkie Bites Kakadu Plum 110g
  • The Herb & Spice Mill Black Pepper & Cheddar Bites 50g
  • Tucker’s Crackers Parmesan, WA Truffle & Pepperleaf 90g
  • Thornton & Wild Whisky Fruit Cake 250g


  • Snax With Attitude Fruit & Nut Milk Chocolate 75g
  • Nougat Limar Vanilla Almond Nougat 150g
  • Snacksmart BBQ Peanut, Multigrain & Soy Snack Mix 300g
  • Snax With Attitude Assorted Nuts 100g