Good Morning Gift Basket


Gift Basket Overview

Give the gift of morning tea. This impeccable gift basket is a celebration of the art of the break.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. If you place your order before 3 PM AEST, your gift can be despatched from our warehouse today. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


An all-Australian made gift basket designed to celebrate the art of the break.

Upon unpacking this box of treats, your recipient will feel invigorated and most likely make a trip to the kettle. From the Madura Tea Estates of Tweed Heads, NSW, is a reminder of why Australians love to drink tea. Grown, dried and blended on site, it will be difficult to go back to an ordinary cup of English Breakfast.

A perfect accompaniment to a muffin or perhaps a fresh scone; Myanbah Farm strawberry jam is infused with rhubarb and vanilla. This incredible conserve is made in the Hunter Valley, NSW, just like Gift Sensations’ gift baskets. There is nothing better than jam straight from the farm to the table! Also from the Hunter Valley comes The Rocky Road House’s coconut rough – it’s light and delicious. We love our local Hunter Valley products and hope your recipient will too.

Accompanying your recipient’s well deserved morning tea comes a rich, dark fruit cake from Thornton & Wild. And there’s also a selection of fantastic biscuits to round off morning tea time, including exotic cranberry and white chocolate cookies from Snowy Mountains Cookies, and melt-in-your-mouth butter shortbread fingers from Cafe Adore.

This gift basket celebrates the everyday delights, and makes morning tea interesting once more. Packaged in a glossy golden gift box, adorned with our signature ribbon and embellished with your personalised greeting card.

Gift Basket Contents

Baked Goods

  • Thornton & Wild Rich Dark Fruit Cake 250g
  • Tucker’s Natural Cheese & Chives Gourmet Crackers 100g
  • Café Adore Butter Shortbread Fingers 170g
  • 2 x Snowy Mountains Cookies Almond, Cranberry & White Choc Cookies 50g

Gourmet Kitchen

  • Myanbah Farm Strawberry Jam with Rhubarb & Vanilla 290g


  • The Rocky Road House Coconut Rough Chocolate Bar 105g
  • 4 x Premium Chocolate Pralines


  • Madura Tea Premium Blend Tea Bags 40g