Chocolate On My Mind Gift Basket

✔ All products contained within this hamper are certified Gluten Free.


Gift Basket Overview

Finding a chocolatey gift for a recipient on a gluten free diet used to be a difficult process. Not anymore with ‘Chocolate On My Mind’!

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse on Monday. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


A gift basket full of 100% Australian made chocolate treats that will be appreciated by all. With all products certified by their manufacturers as gluten free, this is also a gift basket that can be enjoyed with confidence by those restricted to gluten free diets. This gift offers a selection of gluten-free chocolate treats with no compromise in taste. Starting with an awesome range of chocolate biscuits from Queensland’s Leda kitchens and Snowy Mountains Cookies, each bite is coated in pure chocolate bliss. Brookfarm, the acclaimed macadamia nut purveyors of Byron Bay, have come up with an incredible coconut granola with raw cacao infused within. Move over Weet-Bix, this is truly the breakfast of champions. Brookfarm also lovingly contributes their Belgian chocolate ‘florentina’ cookies – of course, infused with premium macadamias. The chocolate fudge from Kelly’s Candy Co is truly extravagant – the deep, rich cocoa flavour that will have your recipient falling in love at first bite. Local heroes The Rocky Road House produce an amazing Rocky Road (that’s probably why they named their company after it); the Honeycomb Crunch variety included in this hamper bursts with sweetness. And one of our very favourite inclusions is Alice Langton’s Sauces chocolate dipping sauce – handmade in country Victoria by a family-run kitchen. All you need is strawberries – or in their absence, your fingers. We won’t tell. All of this Aussie chocolate extravagance is packaged beautifully in a glossy golden gift box adorned carefully with Gift Sensations signature ribbon with your personalised gift card tied within. All contents included in this hamper are certified Gluten Free by their manufacturers. Your recipient’s gift card is printed with a message that the gift is Gluten Free.

Gift Basket Contents


  • The Rocky Road House Honeycomb Crunch Crescent 200g
  • Alice Langton’s Sauces Chocolate Dipping Sauce 150g
  • Kelly’s Candy Co. Chocolate Fudge 100g

Baked Goods

  • Leda Chocolate Chip Cookies 250g
  • Snowy Mountains Cookies White Chocolate, Apricot & Coconut Cookie 80g
  • Snowy Mountains Cookies Love Chocolate Cookie 80g
  • Eatwell Butter Shortbread Biscuits 60g (3 x 20g)
  • Brookfarm Cacao Coconut Granola with Organic Raw Cacao 40g
  • 2 x Brookfarm Belgian Chocolate Florentina Biscuits