Pamper Me Gift Basket


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Gift Basket Overview

A unique gift box lined with exoticism through and through to delight a special someone in your life.

Personalised Greeting Card

All Gift Sensations gift baskets come with a complimentary personalised greeting card, tied into our signature green ribbon. You'll be able to write your greeting message in the Checkout.

Delivery Information

This gift is available all year round. Your gift can be despatched from our warehouse on Monday. Date of delivery is dependent on the recipient's location - please visit this page for more information on delivery timeframes. You can also choose a future delivery date in the checkout.


Limited Stock!

Immediately noticeable is the pink peony bouquet in a classical glass vase, underneath of which a selection of incredible items designed to transport your lucky recipient towards an evening of pure relaxation.

Specially imported from Indonesia by Gift Sensations, your incredibly lucky recipient will find enclosed a luxurious embroidered Kaftan. As gorgeous as it is versatile, it’ll make every day feel like a tropical holiday. An orange-mango scent further enhances this incredible scene, while drinking a morning tea out of a new fine bone china mug.

This thoughtful gift is presented in a glossy gift box, hand finished with our signature ribbon bearing your personalised gift card.

Gift Basket Contents

  • Silk Fleur Peony Amber Pink Bouquet
  • Clear Classic Glass Bud Vase
  • Luxurious Embroidered Kaftan (one size)
  • Clover Fields Rose & Lavender Body Cream Tub 275g
  • Beautifully Gift Boxed Fine Bone China Mug
  • Fashionista Practical Cosmetic Purse
  • Paper Scented Sachet Orange Mango
  • 8 x Witors Italian Chocolate Pralines